Welcome to
MaxoMagic CAS
Maxomagic Central Asian Shepherd Kennel was founded in 1999
Welcome to the MaxoMAgic website! Here in our little corner of the web you can learn more about the Central Asian Shepherd Dogs (CAS) that make up Maxomagic Kennel.
MaxoMagic had produced top performing and winning dogs in the United States. We are happy to educate buyers about the Central Asian Ovcharka breed.
How can you get one of these awesome guardian dogs to join your flock of protect your household?
Click the contact us button below and reach out to us! We are happy to discuss your needs and assess your suitability for owning one of these rustic and dependable dogs.
In the meantime please check out our gallery to see some photos of our foundation dogs and other top performance Central Asian Shepherds.
We look forward to talking to you!
Special Thanks
Maxomagic Central Asian Shepherd Dog Kennel is proud to have foundation dogs from the best best breeders in Eastern Europe and Asia. Our Central Asian Shepherds (Ovcharka) are quality working and show dogs.
“If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants”… attributed to Bernard of Chartres.
“Cattle die, kinsmen die, I myself shall die, but there is one thing I know never dies; the reputation we leave behind at our death” from the “Havamal”
In keeping with the above, I wish to give special thanks and recognition to the following individuals who have unselfishly shared their wisdom, knowledge, expertise and encouragement.
Igor Faramazov – for facilitating the purchase of “Mishka”
Vadim Boutym (rip) – for allowing us to purchase “Olivia Saksoniya”
Mr Khegay – for allowing us to purchase “Nik Han”
Ms D. Marazov – for allowing us to purchase “Hammer”
I also wish to recognize Alva Rosenberg, William Kendricks, Peggy Adamson who have encouraged me to follow my heart in the pursuit of my dream to be the best I can be. I can only hope that when I am gone, I will be remembered as having left a positive footprint in the development of the Central Asian Shepherd in the USA.

MaxoMagic’s Layla treeing a bear